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wanted programme's blue and black logo. KTU black logo.

Become “WANTed” in the labour market by developing marketable and required employee competencies. It provides possibilities for your personal and professional development. “WANTed” programme is a great possibility to develop your career competencies, plan your studies with focus and purpose, and relate them to your future career. Participate in the events, seminars, receive consultations on the career issues, and look through the job and internship offers.

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Career planning seems like a complicated process? Watch the video, which briefly and clearly presents the important steps towards your career.

Job and internship offers. More

KTU „WANTed“ Career Days

KTU WANTed Career Days is the largest career contact fair for students and companies in the Baltic States.

KTU Career Days has facilitated successful integration of thousands of students into the job market and helped representatives of the companies to find the most talented employees for their organisations.

What is "WANTed"?

Do you want fast employment and career progress? The events and seminars will help you understand the latest labour market trends better, form a comprehensive view of your career, plan your studies more effectively, develop your personal competencies that will help you achieve your career goals and become a marketable specialist or competitive entrepreneur. “WANTed” is a programme for the development of your career competencies available to all the students. It includes:

• Career events;
• Cycles of the events and seminars;
• Group consultations;
• Individual consultations;
• Dissemination of good practice.

CAREER COMPETENCIES It prepares comprehensive specialists characterised by well-developed competencies guaranteeing a successful career.
VALUE-ADDING CONTACTS Cooperation with the highest-level professionals in the areas of science, business and public sector.
INTEGRATION IN THE UNIVERSITY Encouragement of active participation in the additional non-formal education activities to get involved in the dynamic life of the University.
A MASTER OF YOUR CAREER Enabling students to take responsibility for their career path.

Get to know yourself

What is it? The knowledge of your personal characteristics and the impact of your personal development on your career.
Why is it important? Good knowledge of your personal qualities, values, interests, talents, competencies, etc. can help you to create a more purposeful career plan. The knowledge of yourself encourages starting new activities, identifying your strengths and the areas you could improve in. It helps to evaluate your career possibilities and better understand how the decisions you make impact your career.
Be ready to: • Aim to assess yourself realistically and positively;
• Start new activities bravely, aim to receive feedback from others;
• Constantly try to get to know yourself better. Learning to know yourself, as well as development of your career competencies, is a continuous process.

Analysis of career possibilities

What is it? It is your ability to collect, evaluate and use career-related information (for example, organisations, professions, works, career paths), analyse global trends in economic, social and technological development, employment and learning possibilities
Why is it important? If you use relevant and high-quality information for your career development and analyse the possibilities, you become open to the changes happening in the world and various activities, can be more realistic while assessing a situation in the labour market and your opportunities in it. You will be more persistent, purposeful and consistent in the development of the competencies required for your career. The analysis of the career possibilities helps you make individual career-related decisions and plan your career.
Be ready to: • Aim to use relevant and high-quality information for your career management;
• Be open to the changes in the world and societal needs;
• Learn and improve constantly. A labour market is constantly changing; therefore, taking interest in the relevant information and development of the lacking career competencies should be a continuous process.

Career planning

What is it? It is an ability to create a vision of the career, to make decisions and to prepare a career plan.
Why is it important? The planning of your career will facilitate your career management; you will be more careful in the anticipation of the important personal and environmental factors, open to the possibilities and able to make timely reasonable decisions. You will understand the relation between the vision of your career, success, and goals of other areas of your life (family, leisure). A clear career plan helps a purposeful development of your career while implementing the set goals.
Be ready to: • Make honest attempts to manage your career;
• Be open to various career possibilities;
• Constantly plan your career. A career is a life-long process, therefore it should be planned continuously.

Implementation of your career

What is it? It is your ability to manage a process of learning and job search, personal finances, gain a foothold at work, manage your career changes and combine it with other areas of your life.
Why is it important? For successful achievement of your career goals, you have to be able to learn constantly and develop your rationally selected abilities. The knowledge of the process of job search and understanding of the relation between the employment possibilities and your career goals will facilitate more rapid development of your career. Also, it is very important to understand how various areas of life (family, leisure) are related to your career and be able to combine all of them.
Be ready to: • Take responsibility for the implementation of your career goals;
• Have a positive approach and be open to the possibilities of career changes;
• Demonstrate a resolution, persistence and resilience to failures in the job/internship search as well as in the development of your career at work.

Personal career development

Learning to know yourself is a practice of personal development that helps you understand the uniqueness of your personality: your weaknesses, strengths, wishes, needs and limits. When you know who you are it is not difficult to develop your career path.

Perform the tests and get to know yourself better; also, check if you have chosen the right area of activities:

Career planning steps


Studentų st. 50, Kaunas