
The University offers a variety of financial support and promotion opportunities for students in both state-funded and non-state-funded study places. Take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the University!

What scholarships can I receive?

University’s Talent Scholarships are awarded to the most active students, who achieve exceptional results in their studies, research or art projects, who are active in extra-curricular activities in the areas of business, innovations and social activities that promote KTU name.

All bachelor‘s and master‘s students, as well as integrated and non-degree studies students can participate in the Talent Scholarship competition, except for the bachelor‘s students in their first year’s first semester.

Amount of the University’s Talent Scholarship is 250 EUR per month. The total amount of support allocated per semester is 1,000 EUR.

Talent Scholarship competition of year 2024-2025 take place in:

Autumn semester | 13th September 2024 – 29th September 2024
Spring semester | 7th February 2025 – 23rd February 2025

The results of 2023-2024 ay spring’s semester.

All necessary documents and instructions must be posted in AIS.

More information and important documents

More information:
tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55
el. p.

Nominal Sponsor Scholarships and the scholarships established by companies are awarded to active students who achieve high academic results.

Sponsor Scholarship awardees are being selected by competition, which procedure is defined in the scholarship establishment contract and approved by sponsors or by University’s Rector. Competition for Sponsor Scholarships is being announced in spring and autumn.

Application form and other documents for the competition will be updated in the Academic Information System (AIS) after the competition is announced.

More information:
tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55
el. p.


Scholarship Size of scholarship Who can apply
Kazickas Family Foundation Scholarship for students, engaged in philanthropic activities 1 100 euros Undergraduate and graduate students engaged in philanthropic activities with high academic performance.
Kazickas Family Foundation Scholarship for PhD students 3000 euros For PhD students who are studying and conducting research in the field of technology sciences (Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Energetics and Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Materials Engineering, Measurement Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering, etc.); Demonstrating active scientific activity; Demonstrating active pedagogical activity (e.g.,
involvement in teaching study modules for bachelor’s or master’s students, supervising bachelor’s theses);
KTU Alumni scholarship 500 euros Student has the most digital badges for: participation in KTU non-formal education programs WANTed, GIFTed, GUIDed, UNITed,
INSPIred, SKILLed FinTech or other activities;
Lithuanian Foundation: A. Kantautas Scholarship 750 dollars The scholarship is awarded to KTU students studying business administration or business management. Preference is given to those seeking a master’s or doctoral degree in these fields.
Lithuanian Foundation: B. Masiokas Scholarship 750 dollars The scholarship is awarded to KTU students studying business administration or business management. Preference is given to those seeking a master’s or doctoral degree in these fields.
Transcom Scholarship 1000 euros III or IV-year, first-cycle student ‘New Media Language’ or I or II-year, second-cycle student in ‘Technical Language Translation and Post-editing of Technical texts’, who has chosen Swedish as an alternative or elective module with a proficiency level of at least B1 (the student agrees to provide a document proving their language level); The student’s average grade for the last semester of studies is not lower than 8;
The student agrees to submit a motivational letter justifying why they are particularly deserving of winning the scholarship; Internship, additional practical experience, or other activities related to the Swedish language program would be an advantage.

One-time Incentive Scholarship is being awarded for active promotion of the University‘s name by taking part in various activities. The awardees are being named by Faculty Dean’s order and authorised by the Rector.

Requests regarding the award of one-time incentive scholarships to students are submitted by:
• Chairs of students’ organisations
• Head of the Art Societies Group
• Director of Physical Education Centre;
• Other managers of University’s departments

One-time target scholarship
One-time target scholarships are awarded for a purposeful activity representing University:
• Participation in international and/or national scientific conferences, seminars, Olympiads, projects or other events
• Representation of the University at international and/or national sport, art and/or competitions of public organisations, conventions or another kind of events
One-time target scholarships are awarded to students by Vice-Dean’s order, authorised by Rector, of by Dean’s order, authorised by Rector.

More information:
tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55
el. p.

What financial support can I receive?

KTU students, who are living in the non-renovated dormitories, who have difficult material or social situation and do not pay more than 115 Eur for a room can apply for a dormitory accommodation grant.

Guidelines for the application of the special prices for dormitory and priority allocation

Documents to be submitted:
1. request
2. documents, supporting the circumstances indicated in the request:
2.1. certificate on family composition
2.2. certificate on family’s and (or) person’s calculated and paid salary and other benefits (from the municipality)
2.3. other documents supporting student’s material and/or social status

Applied monthly Accommodation Grant for one person at the dormitory is determined by the commission.

Scanned documents have to be submitted in your AIS by the 20th of each month at the latest.

More information:
tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55
el. p.

One-time Social Scholarships are awarded to the students, who are in a difficult financial situation due to:
• Illness;
• Illness or death of a family member;*
• Natural disaster or loss of property;

The scholarship amount is up to 1100 EUR.

* When submitting applications for illness or death of family members, students must additionally attach a document proving the kinship with the person.

Applications can only be submitted in your Academic information system (AIS), until the 9th of the current month, the decision is made by the 21st day of the current month. Requests submitted after the 9th are considered at a Commission meeting the following month.

Tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55

The State Studies Foundation provides support to the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the other countries citizens of Lithuanian descent and expatriates (who had lived abroad at least for three years and came to Lithuania to study in the eighth and subsequent school years), who study in Lithuanian higher education schools.

Tel. +370 37 300 327; +3706 14 200 55

More information

The student’s participation in national and International events can be co-funded from the foundation of the Vice-Rector for Studies, if a source of additional financing is available.

The student aiming to get co-funding for the activities significant to the University from the foundation of the Vice-Rector for Studies has to fill in a request and to apply to the Faculty’s Dean or the Student Union.

The criteria for co-funding:
• A student is advanced; his/her grade point average of the last semester is at least 7
• A chair of the organisation / Dean or his/her authorised person provides a reasoned recommendation for the student’s trip
• A student provides a reasoned justification for the requested expenses
• A student goes to an exhibition / tournament / event to present his/her activities / presentation, represent the University at the regional / national / international level
• Participation in the event is significant to the University; it promotes the University’s name and strengthens its image
The following cases are not funded by the Studies Foundation:
• A visit is related only to the expanding student’s knowledge in his/her study programme
• External students’ trips
• When co-funding of one student’s trip requires more than a half of the annual Foundation’s funds
• When a student goes to the trip that forms political opinions or visits the countries in which political situation poses a threat to the student

Regulations for the procedure of co-financing of the participation of students in the national and international events

Kristina Skučienė

A reduced semester’s tuition fee may be applied to a student studying in a state non-funded study place. The student must meet the requirements set by the University and submit an application in the Academic Information System of the University by the 10th day of the semester. To qualify for a reduced semester’s tuition fee, the student must have: a respective entrance score, no academic debts, reached an excellent or standard level of academic achievements, a respective grade point average, no academic or disciplinary penalties, no financial debts to the University, and meet other requirements set by the University. The tuition fee can also be reduced for a student in a difficult economic (social) situation. The amount of the reduction of tuition fee depends on the price of the student’s study programme.

Information on the possibility to apply for financial support to cover a tuition fee is provided by the International Studies Office, email

Financial Support Allocation Calendar

Process Participating students Beginning End Responsible department1
SPRING SEMESTER 01 02 2024 31 08 2024
Submission of the applications for the doctoral students’ “Erasmus+” studies and internship abroad Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December TRD
Submission of the applications for the Doctoral Fund and International Scientific Events Fund Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December DM
Submission of the applications for the support for the foreigners of Lithuanian descent in VSF system* All students 20 01 2024 20 02 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the autumn semester All students of the first and second cycle studies, except for the final year students 01 02 2024 25 02 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for the target payment in VSF system* All students 01 02 2024 16 03 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for the one-off social scholarship All students, except for the third cycle students 01 02 2024 31 08 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for the support of the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled All students 01 02 2024 31 08 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications regarding the reduced fee for dormitory accommodation All students 01 02 2024 31 08 2024 SRD
Competition for the University’s talent scholarships in the spring semester All students, except for the students of the third cycle studies 09 02 2024 22 02 2024 SRD
Selections for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the autumn semester at the faculties All the students of the first and second cycle studies who submitted applications 26 02 2024 01 03 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 03 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for the state supported loan in VSF system* All students 01 03 2024 20 03 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 03 2024 TRD
Competition of the Research Council of Lithuania for Doctoral students (support for the academic trips in the second half of 2024) Students of the third cycle studies 15 04 2024 15 05 2024 DM
Competition for the Patron’s scholarships in the autumn semester All students 20 04 2024 26 04 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 06 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 06 2024 TRD

1 Abbreviations of the names of departments:

  • SRD – Department of Student Affairs;
  • TRD – International Relations Department;
  • DM – Doctoral School.

2 The year of studies that the student will be in from 01 09 2023.

* The deadlines for submission of the applications in the system of State Studies Foundation may vary; the information is provided on the website of State Studies Foundation.

Process Participating students Beginning End Responsible department1
AUTUMN SEMESTER 01 09 2024 31 01 2025
Submission of the applications for the doctoral students’ “Erasmus+” studies and internship abroad Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December TRD
Submission of the applications for the Doctoral Fund and International Scientific Events Fund Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December DM
Submission of the applications for the state supported loan in VSF system* All students 28 08 2024 30 09 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for the support for the foreigners of Lithuanian descent in VSF system* All students 28 08 2024 30 09 2024 SRD
Competition for the Patron’s scholarships at the beginning of the school year All students of the first and second cycle studies 30 08 2024 05 09 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 09 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the spring semester All students of the first and second cycle studies, except for the final year and first year students2 02 09 2024 29 09 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for the target payment in VSF system* All students 01 09 2024 16 10 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for the one-off social scholarship All students, except for the third cycle students 01 09 2024 31 01 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for the support of the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled All students 01 09 2024 31 01 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications regarding the reduced fee for dormitory accommodation All students 01 09 2024 31 01 2025 SRD
Competition for the University’s talent scholarships in the autumn semester All students, except for the students of the first year of the first cycle and integrated studies, and students of the third cycle studies 13 09 2024 29 09 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 09 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for the social scholarship in VSF system* All students 15 09 2024 15 10 2024 SRD
Selections for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the spring semester at the faculties All students of the first and second cycle studies who have submitted the applications 30 09 2024 04 10 2024 TRD
Competition of the Research Council of Lithuania for Doctoral students (support for the academic trips in the first half of 2025) Students of the third cycle studies 15 10 2024 15 11 2024 DM
Competition of the research council of Lithuania for Doctoral students (for the study results) Students of the third cycle studies 15 10 2024 15 12 2024 DM
Submission of the applications for the competition of scholarships for the most active doctoral students Students of the third cycle studies 28 10 2024 18 11 2024 DM
Competition for the Patron’s scholarships in the spring semester All students 15 11 2024 24 11 2024 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 12 2024 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 12 2024

1 Abbreviations of the names of departments:

  • SRD – Department of Student Affairs;
  • TRD – International Relations Department;
  • DM – Doctoral School.

2 The year of studies that the student will be in from 01 09 2024.

* The deadlines for submission of the applications in the system of State Studies Foundation may vary; the information is provided on the website of State Studies Foundation.

Process Participating students Beginning End Responsible department1
SPRING SEMESTER 01 02 2025 31 08 2025
Submission of the applications for the doctoral students’ “Erasmus+” studies and internship abroad Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December TRD
Submission of the applications for the Doctoral Fund and International Scientific Events Fund Students of the third cycle studies All year until the 10th day of the current month, except for July, August and December DM
Submission of the applications for the social scholarship in VSF system* All students 20 01 2025 20 02 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for the support for the foreigners of Lithuanian descent in VSF system* All students 23 01 2025 20 02 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for the target payment in VSF system* All students 01 02 2025 16 03 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for the one-off social scholarship All students, except for the third cycle students 01 02 2025 31 08 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for the support of the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled All students 01 02 2025 31 08 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications regarding the reduced fee for dormitory accommodation All students 01 02 2025 31 08 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the autumn semester All students of the first and second cycle studies, except for the final year students 03 02 2025 01 03 2025 TRD
Competition for the University’s talent scholarships in the spring semester All students, except for the students of the third cycle studies 07 02 2025 23 02 2025 SRD
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 03 2025 TRD
Submission of the applications for the state supported loan in VSF system* All students 01 03 2025 20 03 2025 SRD
Selections for “Erasmus+” and bilateral exchange programmes abroad in the autumn semester at the faculties All the students of the first and second cycle studies who submitted applications 03 03 2025 07 03 2025 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 03 2025 TRD
Competition for the Patron’s scholarships in the autumn semester All students 11 04 2025 20 04 2025 SRD
Competition of the Research Council of Lithuania for Doctoral students (support for the academic trips in the second half of 2025) Students of the third cycle studies 15 04 2025 15 05 2025 DM
Submission of the applications for “Erasmus+” internship abroad All students until 01 06 2025 TRD
Submission of the applications for “Baltech Nordtek” scholarships All students until 15 06 2025 TRD

1 Abbreviations of the names of departments:

  • SRD – Department of Student Affairs;
  • TRD – International Relations Department;
  • DM – Doctoral School.

2 The year of studies that the student will be in from 01 09 2024.

* The deadlines for submission of the applications in the system of State Studies Foundation may vary; the information is provided on the website of State Studies Foundation.