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Perkūnas Racing Team logo, at the end of the title there is a little black lightning bolt.

KTU “Perkūnas” Racing Team is a student group focused on designing and developing a race car for the “Formula Student” competition. We are preparing for the team’s participation in the 2026 competition while also laying the foundation for future electric vehicle (EV) development. Our goal is to provide students with hands-on experience in engineering, business, and project management while fostering teamwork and leadership skills. By working together, we strive to create a competitive and sustainable car that embodies innovation and quality in automotive design.

  • Team formation and organization – we bring together motivated students and assign tasks based on their strengths to ensure effective teamwork.
  • Design and prototype – our team develop the vehicle concept, focusing on mechanics, electronics, and aerodynamics, and prepare a prototype for testing.
  • Manufacturing – based on prototype testing, we transition to the production process with the goal of participating in the 2026 “Formula Student” competition.
  • Educational growth – we apply theoretical knowledge in practice, tackling challenges in engineering, manufacturing, and business.
  • Team building – we promote leadership, collaboration, and a strong team environment where every member can grow.
  • Industry engagement – we provide opportunities to connect with industry professionals and other innovation enthusiasts.

If you want to join us and learn more about our activities, fill out the form!

Or contact us at:

Benas Lukoševič

Jaunas vyras su trumpais rudais plaukais vilki elegantišką pilką kostiumą ir baltus marškinius. Jis šypsosi ir žvelgia į šoną. Fone matomas akvariumas su ryškiaspalvėmis žuvimis ir koralais, taip pat juodos spintelės su violetiniu apšvietimu.
Benas Lukoševičius

Chairman of the KTU "Perkūnas" Racing Team
