In this section, we invite newly admitted students to familiarize themselves with the most important information, which includes: student memo, a list of environments used during studies, University’s terminology, and other study-related information.
If you want to learn more and consult on any study-related matters, we encourage you to contact the Student Infocentre via email at
Academic Information System (AIS)
Social media channels
Instagram @ktustudentlife, @ktuwanted;
Facebook @KTUStudentams
Studies at the University are provided according to the study programmes leading to a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree.
The volume of the bachelor’s study programme is 180 or 240 study credits, the master’s study programme – 90 or 120 credits, integrated studies – 300 credits. After fulfilling all the requirements of the study programme, the student receives a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and a diploma and diploma supplement.
A study programme consists of the study modules taught for one semester. A study module may include various combinations of lectures, laboratory work, practice, seminars, the student’s independent work, research, design work or another type of work. Study modules may be mandatory, alternative (selected from a list), general and optional (from the list of the modules offered by the University). The studies of each module are completed by an evaluation of the students‘ knowledge and skills – an examination or a different form of the final assessment. Find your timetable, assessment evaluation and other relevant information about studies in the Academic Information System (AIS).
The workload of studies is measured in study credits, which encompass the student’s workload (including academic activities and independent work).
One academic year of fulltime studies consists of 60 credits, equivalent to 1600 hours. One credit is equal to one ECTS credit and corresponds to 26.67 working hours.
To ensure continuous and inclusive student work throughout the entire semester, the University applies a cumulative assessment system called the Study Results Accumulation (SRA) system. In this system, the final grade for a module is a sum of the grades of intermediate assessments and the final examination multiplied by their respective weighting coefficients (percentage factors).
The module description provides information about the time allocated for each task, the week of assessment, and the percentage factor. To participate in the final examination, it is mandatory to complete all intermediate assignments for the module.
Please note that grades ranging from 5 to 10 are positive, while grades ranging from 1 to 4 are negative.
In the process of improving the quality of studies, the opinion of each student is important. Therefore, contribute to the improvement of study quality by:
The students pay tuition fees if they:
0 7.45-8.45*
I 9.00-10.30
II 11.00-12.30
III 13.30-15.00
IV 15.30-17.00
V 17.30-19.00
VI 19.15-20.45
* mandatory, optional and bridging English courses for the freshers of the first cycle studies.
Before each semester, it is necessary to register on AIS for academic classes in study modules.
Students‘ participation in the classes of the modules is obligatory: in laboratory works – 100%, in practical classes – min. 80%, in theoretical classes – min. 60%.
The teacher sets specific attendance requirements that are introduced to students during the first class of the module.
The attendance requirements are provided in the description of each study module. Check AIS > “Studies” > “Individual study plan”.
Equality and diversity policy
The University‘s Equality and Diversity Policy includes gender equality, diversity, discrimination, harassment, etc. The objective of this policy is to ensure the equality of all the University‘s employees, students and the persons applying to the University regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, beliefs, language, background, social status, views or opinions, citizenship, family status, intentions to have a child (children) and application of the equal opportunities and diversity principles in all the areas related to the University‘s functions.
You can report any violations of equal opportunities in the AIS section “Report”.
Academic support
You can get various academic help at the University during your studies. The University offers bridging courses of the core study subjects available remotely on the University‘s virtual learning platform Moodle, which help to achieve the university level of the core study subject. You can seek a tutor’s advice or choose your academic mentor. Also, do not hesitate to seek individual counselling from your teacher who is always willing to help.
Academic integrity
The University‘s culture is based on academic values and ethical principles. Academic integrity is one of KTU‘s most important values. Remember, any attempt to cheat during the intermediate or final assessment at KTU is intolerable and has corresponding consequences – it may result in an academic penalty, and upon receiving it, you lose the right to reschedule the assessment.
A student can be expelled from KTU for violating the Code of Academic Ethics. Cases of academic dishonesty can be reported in the AIS section “Report”.
All procedures of studies and document forms are available on KTU student intranet Office365.
Students must get acquainted with the relevant procedures independently and follow their changes during the studies.
By choosing BA+ competence, students acquire knowledge and skills in an additional study field and discover new career prospects. The BA+ competence blocks offered in KTU bachelor’s degree programmes can serve as an alternative to specialisation in the study plan, a personal module selection (AMR), or in-depth subjects within the study field.
Each bachelor’s degree programme indicates whether the BA+ competence model can be selected. Students can choose BA+ competencies from lists that are selected for specific study programmes that offer BA+ opportunities.
Master’s studies at Kaunas University of Technology are the first studies of such type in Lithuania. They are meant for the new generation, as they meet both the societal and market requirements and the global trends while focusing mainly on the development of personal competencies of each individual. MA+ offers the opportunity to participate in research groups, work on international projects with scientists and apply your newly acquired knowledge. Choose your competencies for the MA+ master’s programme.
Information about applications will be provided by your academic email. You can find the offered competencies here.
Check what opportunities are provided in your study programme at AIS > “Current semester” > “Study programme”
For those who have completed master’s studies and aspire to a research career, KTU offers doctoral studies in the fields of technology, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and visual arts, total of 20 research (artistic) fields. In nine of these research fields, doctoral students have the opportunity to obtain a double doctoral degree in collaboration with foreign research and study institutions. Doctoral studies encompass coursework, research (artistic) investigations, preparation, and defence of a doctoral dissertation (art project). Monthly support is provided for students in state-funded doctoral studies: 1045 EUR/month in the first year and 1210 EUR/month in the second to fourth years. Upon successful completion of the four-year doctoral studies and defence of the doctoral dissertation (art project), the degree of Doctor of Science (Art) is conferred.
KTU doctoral studies provide opportunities to:
Additional scholarships are awarded annually to the most active doctoral students. Funding opportunities for studies, research, and participation in international conferences open up excellent prospects for young researchers.
The University not only aims to educate excellent future professionals but also ensures accessibility of learning, taking into account students’ individual support needs. In this section, we will briefly share information about study adaptation opportunities, free consultations with psychologists, and ensuring physical health.
If you have any questions on these topics, please contact the Social Welfare Coordinator at
The University offers the adaptation of studies for students with disabilities or individual educational needs (physical, sensory disorders, autism spectrum, dyslexia, mental health problems, other learning difficulties).
The students wishing to adapt their studies have to:
*All data provided by students are protected by the law on data protection and will not be passed on to third parties.
While studying at the University, various challenges may arise, which we can solve together. KTU cares deeply about student well-being and provides FREE psychological support to students.
Viktorija is a candidate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy who applies principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in her work – she has deepened her knowledge in this field over the years. The psychologist counsels adults facing various life challenges and seeks to delve into their inner emotional experiences. “Psychology is a powerful tool, providing a safe and confidential space to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences,” says Viktorija.
Eimantas provides individual psychological counseling when individual feels lonely, has disputes with his friends or family members, is suffering from anxiety or is experiencing prolonged or severe sadness, has study or work-related problems. The psychologist is interested in the characteristics of coping with stress, the mechanisms of addictions to psychoactive substances, the psychological adjustments to illnesses, eating disorders.
Affidea Lietuva provides free* primary health care services and exclusive discounts to KTU students or personnel who sign up for this clinic.
You just need:
– upon arrival at the clinic, have an identity document and health insurance card (private one or European Health Insurance Card) with you
– after choosing a family doctor, sign up at the Affidea Lietuva family clinic online:
After registering as a KTU student or personnel, you will receive a separate phone number with which you will contact the doctor assigned to you.
Address: Savanorių pr. 178, Kaunas
Contacts: email:
Working hours:
I-V: 7.00 – 22.00
VI: 8.00 – 20.00
VII: 8.00 – 20.00
The clinic is adapted for the disabled – convenient entrance, free parking
* for those who are registered with the clinic and have PSDF insurance, health care services are financed by TLK funds.
The Lithuanian health system is organised around the family doctor (Family Clinics). When you have a medical problem, the family doctor is the first to contact, except in cases of the emergency. If you need to consult with a certain specialist, first you have to go to the family doctor to get a referral. Medication prescribed by a doctor can be bought at the nearest pharmacy (in Lithuanian, vaistinė). Some medicine you can buy only with a doctor’s prescription.
There are many Primary Health Care Institutions (larger than Family Clinics) in Kaunas belonging to the Lithuanian National Health System. They have not only family doctors but also various specialists working there, and you can have more health examinations at the same place.
All international students must have medical insurance valid in Lithuania for the study period (can be renewed every year). The insurance can be obtained in the student’s home country or from a Lithuanian insurance company upon arrival.
Students from EU countries are not required to have any special health insurance. European health insurance card or form E111 confirming that a student has EU health insurance is valid in Lithuania.
Health insurance for non-EU citizens
Students from non-EU countries may obtain their health insurance either in their home country or in Lithuania.
If you come to Lithuania without a visa, make the health insurance for 3 months and then extend it when you apply for the visa or Temporary Residence Permit (TRP).
If you came holding national visa D, it means you should have health insurance for the period of visa. When you get TRP, it is more convenient to obtain health insurance in Lithuania.
Health insurance costs about 50 EUR (unconditional deductible* – about 90 EUR) or about 140 EUR (unconditional deductible* – 0 EUR) per year if you purchase it in Lithuania.
Unconditional deductible – the amount that will be deducted from the amount of loss/expenses in case of every insured event. The deductible can be indicated either in EUR or as a percentage of the insurance amount. Usually, the amount of deductible is not subtracted from the total insurance amount.
For example, if the insurance amount is 5,792.4 EUR, the deductible is 90 EUR. In case of an insured event the insurance company will cover expenses above 90 EUR and below 5,792.4 EUR. Thus if the expenses of the insured event are 250 EUR, 90 EUR will be the deduction that you have to cover by your own while the remaining expenses of 160 EUR will be covered by the insurance company. Please ask about all conditions of your insurance before paying for it.
Do you excel in your studies, engage in active academic activities, perhaps belong to an organization or an art collective, or otherwise promote the University’s name? If you answered yes to at least one part of the question, you are likely eligible for a scholarship.
Scholarship applications are submitted through the Academic Information System (AIS), under the “Contests” section.
If you are in a difficult social or material situation, are ill, have a disability or belong to a vulnerable community group, you are likely eligible for financial support.
Applications for financial support are submitted through the Academic Information System (AIS), under the “Studies” > “Financial Support” section.
Universitety’s Talent Scholarship (1000 euros)
University’s Talent Scholarships are awarded to the most active students, who achieve exceptional results in their studies, research or art projects, who are active in extra-curricular activities in the areas of business, innovations and social activities that promote KTU name.
All bachelor‘s and master‘s students, as well as integrated and non-degree studies students can participate in the Talent Scholarship competition, except for the bachelor‘s students in their first year’s first semester.
Amount of the University’s Talent Scholarship is 250 EUR per month. The total amount of support allocated per semester is 1,000 EUR.
Talent Scholarship competition of year 2024-2025 take place in:
Autumn semester | 13th September 2024 – 29th September 2024
Spring semester | 7th February 2025 – 23rd February 2025
The results of 2023-2024 spring’s semester.
All necessary documents and instructions must be posted in AIS.
More information and important documents
Monthly scholarships for GIFTed, SKILLed FinTech or SKILLed AI students.
Students enrolled in one of the Talent Academy programmes receive a monthly scholarship of 300 euros.
Sponsor Scholarships
Named scholarships from sponsors and companies are awarded to high-achieving and active University students.
Scholarships for tutors*
Students participating in the tutoring programme receive one-time incentive scholarships for conducting consultations.
*A tutor is a student who provides consultations and academic assistance in a chosen module to another student (like a tutor).
One-time Incentive Scholarship is being awarded for active promotion of the University‘s name by taking part in various activities. The awardees are being named by Faculty Dean’s order and authorised by the Rector.
Requests regarding the award of one-time incentive scholarships to students are submitted by:
• Chairs of students’ organisations
• Head of the Art Societies Group
• Director of Physical Education Centre;
• Other managers of University’s departments
One-time target scholarship
One-time target scholarships are awarded for a purposeful activity representing University:
• Participation in international and/or national scientific conferences, seminars, Olympiads, projects or other events
• Representation of the University at international and/or national sport, art and/or competitions of public organisations, conventions or another kind of events
One-time target scholarships are awarded to students by Vice-Dean’s order, authorised by Rector, of by Dean’s order, authorised by Rector.
One-Time Social Scholarship
One-time social scholarships are awarded to students facing financial hardship due to various circumstances, including:
Application Process:
Submit an application through the Academic Information System (AIS) by the 9th of the current month at 11:59 PM.
The commission’s decision will be communicated by the 21st of the current month.
Dormitory Fee Compensation
Students may be eligible for a reduced dormitory fee. A special rate may be applied to students facing financial hardship or social difficulties, where the monthly accommodation fee does not exceed the set limit (115 euros). The adjusted monthly fee for a dormitory room is determined by a commission.
Application Process:
Submit an application through the Academic Information System (AIS) by the 20th of the current month (inclusive).
Additional financial support for green travel – travelling to and from the host institution by low-emission means of transport (buses, trains, and cars when travelling with fellow mobility participants). In the case of multiple means of travel, a green travel is considered when the main means of travel (i.e. the major part of the trip) is green.
Additional financial support may be available persons with fewer opportunities who are formally classified as a sensitive members of the KTU community (more information). The additional support is added to the mobility grant and calculated based on the fixed amounts:
Requests for the formal assignment of a person to the most sensitive groups of community members are submitted through KTU AIS (Studies > Submission of applications) until the 1st day of the current month. The application has to be examined and a decision has to be made no later than until 15th of the current month of receipt of the application.
Confirmation of assignment to sensitive groups must be uploaded to the Mobility Online system before signing the financial agreement in the step “Info about Top-Ups/Additional Support”.
An additional individual grant based on actual costs may be awarded to students, graduates, lecturers and employees with special needs.
According to the Erasmus+ programme guide, a person with special needs is defined as a potential participant in the programme whose physical, mental or another health-related condition is such that participation in the mobility activities is not possible without additional funding. Students with special needs may be eligible for additional funding to meet these needs. To receive this support, you need to apply directly to Education Exchange Support Fund and fill in the required documents. The application form and the appendices for the additional grant have to be submitted at least 1 month before the beginning of the studies.
Students who have already been awarded an Erasmus+ mobility grant may be eligible for special needs support for the following costs:
Applications for the formal assignment of a person to sensitive groups of community members have to be submitted by email at Confirmation assignment to sensitive groups and the application for an additional scholarship are submitted in Mobility Online after the selection.
For an individual grant based on actual costs incurred, the Education Exchanges Support Foundation should be contacted by email at
If you have any further questions, please contact the KTU Academic Mobility Office at
University offers a plethora of extracurricular activities, ranging from dance to hiking clubs. We call these activities “Additional Education ED Programmes.” By participating in these programs and collecting badges, you can not only have a fun and productive time but also receive financial support. So, let’s start by exploring these ED programmes.
This is a talent development program lasting throughout the entire study period, providing all opportunities for talented students at KTU to develop and realize their abilities in science and business by participating in the “Challenge” activities.
The selection competition for the GIFTed programme will take place from August 19 to September 16.
This is a 3-semester development program focused on enhancing the leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities of motivated second-cycle (master’s) students. During the program, students will explore topics related to personal development, organizational skills, and team management through diverse experiences, including seminars and training sessions, skill workshops, challenges, and individual consultations. Participants in the GIFTed masters program will acquire fundamental skills necessary for an aspiring leader, which they will apply in both the KTU GIFTed masters program and their individual professional activities.
The selection competition for the GIFTed Masters program will take place from August 19 to September 26.
This is a specialized supplementary education programme, providing career competencies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), comprehensive education, and financial incentives for motivated KTU undergraduate students. Students from all study programs are invited to join SKILLed AI. Joining the SKILLed AI community is recommended for those who want to gain technical AI development knowledge, broaden their horizons in the AI field, meet more company representatives, develop their soft skills, and gain more team working experience.
The selection competition for the SKILLed AI talent programme will take place from January 2 to 24, 2025.
It is Talent Academy providing with career competencies in the field of Financial Technology (FinTech), wide-ranging life skills and financial benefits for KTU Bachelor students in addition to their chosen study programmes in Applied Mathematics, Software Systems, Information Systems, Informatics, Economics and Finance.
The selection competition for the SKILLed FinTech talent program will take place from August 19 to September 16.
Become “WANTed” in the labour market by developing marketable and required employee competencies. It provides possibilities for your personal and professional development. “WANTed” programme is a great possibility to develop your career competencies, plan your studies with focus and purpose, and relate them to your future career. Participate in the events, seminars, receive consultations on the career issues, and look through the job and internship offers.
GUIDed mentorship programme is an educational partnership between a mentor, who has more experience and competencies and can inspire, encourage and provide the motivated person with all the necessary support, and a student, who wants to take over the mentor’s experience and knowledge and apply it in the future.
GUIDed mentorship types:
GUIDed Career mentorship contest will take place from September 16 to October 2.
Education at the University is more than just studies. Extracurricular activities help your personal development, provide opportunities to improve and to find new friends. Everything depends on you!
Become a member of KTU student organisations and acquire additional competences.
There are 6 art societies in KTU.
University’s students are invited to spend their free time improving their skills in dancing, singing, photography at KTU art societies.
Events of the societies, which are led by nationally and internationally renowned professionals, contribute significantly to our country’s cultural life.
The ACTIVATed programme offers 11 different sports teams: basketball, football, volleyball (for girls and boys), athletics, badminton, strength sports, judo and sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling, aerobics, and orienteering.
KTU students have many opportunities to participate in international student exchange programs, where they can gain study and internship experience at universities and organizations in foreign countries. Embark on your journey around the world, make new friends and find partners for future projects. This intercultural experience and knowledge will grow your personality and help you become attractive in the job market. Today – KTU, tomorrow – the world!
Digital badges are a digital micro-certificate, a new digital standard for recognizing achievements in informal learning and education. All you have to do is participate in additional activities, earn a digital badge, and exchange it for an extra point towards a scholarship. The badges you collect throughout your studies will be converted into a personal competency portfolio, which you will receive together with your diploma.
For questions about digital badges, please contact
Edit your account on the website
You just enrolled in KTU and don’t know where to start this new chapter of your life? 🤔 Don’t worry, Welcome Week will help you get on your feet!
On 26–30 August, the KTU student campus will be full of festive spirit as the entire student community will gather to welcome its new members!
Throughout the week, you will have the opportunity to take part in various activities including live music, 80s-inspired roller-skating, orienteering and more… 🤫 These activities will help you to adjust to university life, make friends, and get to know the KTU student campus.
More information can be found here.
KTU WANTed Career Days 2024 is the largest event for contacts and career planning in the Baltic States, attended by students, pupils and companies and organised by Kaunas University of Technology.
The Career Days, organised for the last twenty years, helped thousands of students to successfully enter the labour market and the representatives of companies to find the most talented employees and interns for their organisations.
More information can be found here.