Mentorship programme

GUIDed mentorship programme is an educational partnership between a mentor, who has more experience and competencies and can inspire, encourage and provide the motivated person with all the necessary support, and a student, who wants to take over the mentor’s experience and knowledge and apply it in the future. It aims to develop intelligence in a broader context, transfer existing knowledge or facilitate integration in new academic and socio-cultural environments. The GUIDed mentorship programme is active at Kaunas University of Technology since 2014. The programme aims to motivate young people to pursue their goals, help them understand the future opportunities and prospects that await them after graduation, and indicate what they should focus on during their studies at the University to achieve as much as their chosen mentor has.


GUIDed Mentorship Types

Peer mentor

The peer mentor introduces the student to University life.

Peer mentor is an upperclassman student who helps first-year students:

  • join the University life;
  • contributes to the successful beginning of their studies;
  • helps them take their first brave and firm steps at the University.

Choosing the mentor

The students do not need to choose this mentor the mentor is assigned to the entire academic group automatically in the Academic Information System (AIS). The information on the peer mentor will be available in the section of the Mentorship Programme at the end of August.

The main activities of the mentor and academic group:

  • Participation in the activities of the introductory week for the first year students (introductory lectures, seminars, fair of extracurricular activities, cinema nights, sports competitions, christening and other activities);
  • Election of the counsellor of the academic group;
  • Participation in the election of the most active academic group of the first year students;
  • Meetings, conversations, discussions on the issues of the University’s structure, studies, financial support possibilities;
  • Participation in the excursions introducing the structure of the University, as well as the student organizations and possibilities for leisure time;
  • Searching for solutions to the problems and answers to the questions and concerns together.


Tutor counseling provides a medium for academic growth for the student.

Tutor is a student volunteer who helps to deepen the knowledge in a certain field (mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, etc.). Tutors can also help to improve academic skills (prepare written works, prepare and give presentations or analyse data.

A tutor provides consultations on the chosen subject of studies individually or in small groups. The timetable of the consultations for the current semester is prepared at the end of September and February and announced in the section Mentorship Programme of the Academic Information System (AIS). Students can choose a suitable time and attend the consultations or any tutor providing them.

Academic mentor

Provides an opportunity to engage in scientific activities.

An academic mentor will help you to:

  • begin your research activities;
  • participate in conferences;
  • write scientific publications;
  • learn about the University laboratories, opportunities and prospects of the scientist’s career;
  • choose study modules and make an individual study plan.

Curiosity and the desire to learn as much as possible, to find, to find, accompany us throughout our lives. This affects people with a scientific streak the most. Such students are suggested not to hesitate, to be interested in scientific research while studying, to be encouraged in the creation of innovations and inventions.

An academic mentor is an experienced academic staff member (scientist or researcher) in the scientific field. He/she can advise on issues of scientific activity or help start activities in the field of scientific research.

An academic mentor focuses on the individual needs and goals of the student, i.e. you to the student as a person. Seeing the whole picture can help a student achieve their academic or career goals. When a student has a clear understanding, it is much easier and better for him/her to study, he/she successfully completes his studies.

Career mentor

Cooperation with top-level professionals in the fields of science and business.

Career mentor is a person with professional experience who is the student’s mentor on the issues of career planning and personal development.

This mentor:

  • based on the mentor’s experience, helps the student focus on the aspects important to his/her career, studies and development;
  • encourages the setting of personal career goals and their achievement;
  • teaches and advises on the issues of communication and cooperation skills;
  • advises on the aspects to focus on during the studies, motivates to achieve good results;
  • helps to make a plan of personal development and advises on its implementation;
  • helps to develop the student’s leadership competencies;
  • inspires and encourages the student.

It is a person who has achieved his/her life goals with the knowledge and competencies he/she has acquired and passes on his/her good experience and knowledge to a student who is less experienced.


How to become a mentor?

Students of all years and cycles of studies can become peer mentors. Registration of peer mentors takes place on 1-26 May, annually.

What do you have to do?

  • Be an advanced student.
  • Decide that you are willing and can give your free time to first-year students.
  • Fill in the peer mentor registration form available in the Academic Information System (AIS), when the selection begins.
  • Actively participate in peer mentor training and other mentor meetings.
  • Perform the peer mentor’s functions well.

GUIDed Junior programme aims to encourage communication between students and pupils. If you are communicative and active, we invite you to join the team of the GUIDed Junior mentors and share your experience outside the University (contact the Career and Service Centre by email at

You can become a tutor, if you feel that the module you have completed was not difficult and you can and are willing to help others, you are invited to join the team of tutors (contact the Career and Service Centre by email at

Tutoring programme is a peer support and volunteering activity offered by GUIDed KTU. Being a tutor since 2020, I have met different types of the students with whom we were solving problems, exercises and homeworks from Mathematics 1, Physics and class of  Engineering Mechanics.

During each 1.5 hours, I have consulted a group of the students who had individual doubts regarding the above given subjects. By using simple methods of explanation and offering non-identical samples, me and students could reach the aim of the consultations.

Each year, the tutor program guided not just the learners who were registered for consultation, but also me as a student with refreshing my mind and keeping the knowledge by practice. Bringing together people with common experience to uphold each other – is the main goal of GUIDed KTU.

Assemzhan Kunsakova, tutor


How to get a mentor?

Choosing the mentor

Students wishing to have a career mentor have to participate in the competition at the beginning of the autumn or spring semester (there are two selections per academic year) in the Academic Information System (AIS), where the list of career mentors is available.

What do you have to do?

  • Thinking about why you need a career mentor, set your goals and priorities.
  • Based on the set goals, select mentors in order of priority (up to 3 mentors) in the AIS at the beginning of the selection.
  • Do not forget to write a motivation letter in the questionnaire that clearly explains your motivation for participating in this programme and why one of the selected mentors should be assigned to you.

What is the process?

The first stages of the selection consider the student’s questionnaire: a motivation letter, and the student’s aspirations for participation in the programme.

We encourage you to read the career mentorship privacy policy before submitting your application.

During the second stage of the selection, interviews are conducted with the career mentor selection committee and students who have passed the first stage of the selection. During the interviews, the student’s motivation, the need for a career mentor and the criteria expressed by the mentor are the most important factors.

Students who have suggestions for potential career mentors are advised to contact the University’s Mentorship Programme Coordinator.


Choosing the mentor

A list of academic mentors, with more detailed information about them and their areas of research and consultations, is available in the Academic Information System (AIS).

What do you have to do to get involved in research activities?

  • Think about what area you would like to do research in.
  • Select the mentor most relevant to your desired area of research from the list of academic mentors on the AIS.
  • Next to the mentor, click “I want to contribute to research and scientific activities” and wait for the mentor’s confirmation!

What do you have to do if you want to get a consultation on a study-related issue?

  • Think about the issue you want to be consulted about.
  • Select a mentor who indicates that he/she is giving consultations on the issue you have from the list of academic mentors on the AIS.
  • Next to the mentor, click “I want to get a consultation on a study issue” and wait for the mentor’s confirmation!


Scientific activity with a mentor is an excellent opportunity to acquire or expand knowledge in areas that may not be widely taught at the university, and in which it is very difficult to acquire knowledge independently. There are many academic mentors in the university, as well as areas in which they have a lot of experience, so probably everyone can find a relevant, important or interesting area in which they can gain knowledge and contribute to scientific activities. In this way, you can easily understand the intricacies of a specific field of science and receive invaluable advice. Contributing to research activities in the fields of an academic mentor, I realized that the help and cooperation of another person with a large amount of knowledge are extremely significant factors for achieving high results, gaining experience in an environment directly related to the research field, and in order to discover one’s abilities, mistakes and goals .

Dainius Šaltenis IF


List of mentors

List of mentors of the Faculty of chemical technology

Aleksandras Kolesničenko

Ekopaslauga - Environmental engineer

Daiva Jaščemskaitė

Gerovė - Technologist

Ernesta Jusytė

Narbutas International - Process management partner
KTU alumni

Ignas Račkauskas

Akzo Nobel Baltics - Technical Representative

Sandra Varnaitė-Žuravliova

Center for Physical and Technological Sciences - Senior researcher

Tadas Kavaliauskas

Mano bankas - Sustainability Guide

List of mentors of the Faculty of civil engineering and architecture

Lorenzo Piazzi

DesignLibrary Network Pareigos - co-founder

Rasa Bielskytė Masiokė

Doresta / Santvara - Project manager / CEO

Rytis Mušauskas

INHUS Engineering - CEO

List of mentors of the Faculty of electrical and electronics engineering

Audrius Lapinskas

ABB - Electrification Business Manager

Darius Gudelis

Girteka - Business Process Manager

Edgaras Knyzas

Heston Airlines - Head of the Airworthiness Oversight Organization
KTU alumni

Evaldas Zaskevičius

MN Technology - Product Owner

Hashim Ali Choudhry

Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania - Production Quality Specialist

Karolis Bagdonas

Festo - Division manager

Mantas Biknius

TEC Consulting - Sales Director

Mindaugas Vaičiūnas

Hella Lithuania - Head of Automation Technology

Rokas Muleravičius

Litgrid - Head of High Voltage DC Division

Šarūnas Žitkauskas

Sensata Insights (Xirgo Global) - Sales Engineering Manager

List of mentors of the Faculty of informatics

Almantas Karpavičius

OAG - Programmer team leader
KTU alumni

Asta Pukaitė – Kajokė

Orbio world - CBDO

Daina Ardzevičiūtė-Kvedarienė

CERTUS Port Automation - IT Consultant

Dainius Stasiulis

Centric - Head of software development team

Darius Ašeriškis

Kayak Software Corporation - Director of Engineering

Dominykas Rentelis

Teltonika Energy - Head of RnD

Edvinas Lučkauskas

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team Lead (Infrastructure Engineering)

Giedrius Mickevičius

Devbridge - Lead of Engineering Unit

Greta Erapart

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team lead

Julius Morkūnas

Dell Technologies - Manager 2, Software Engineering

Justina Sabienė

Telia Lithuania - Head of Data Science and AI

Karolina Brazauskaitė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Senior Project Manager

Karolina Petraitienė

Reiz Tech - Key account manager

Konstantinas Jurgilas

Devbridge - Software Architect

Kristina Kikalienė

Reiz Tech - Account Manager

Lukas Gerbenis

Devbridge - Software Architect

Lukas Mikolaitis

Robotex - ABB robot programmer

Martynas Adomavičius

Festo - .NET/ Java Application development

Monika Kaltenytė

Adform - Software engineer

Paulius Kimbartas

Nord Security - Engineering Manager

Ričardas Šmaižys

PrestaRock - Director

Sabapathy Manicka Vinayagam

ExxonMobil - Intermediate Front-End Developer

Simonas Naulickas

Toptal - Freelance Software Engineer

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of technology - KTU IF Cooperation Development Coordinator and KTU Alumni Center Manager

Vytenis Rinkevičius

- Logistics Manager

List of mentors of the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences

Agnė Zedlavičiūtė

BSS IT- Business analyst

Arūnė Juknė

Stora Enso packaging - Head of product management
KTU alumni

Edgaras Juodsnukis

Šiaulių bankas - Data Scientist

Gediminas Starta

Maina & Co - Group Chief Financial Officer

Justina Sabienė

Telia Lithuania - Head of Data Science and AI

Karolis Tamošauskas

Swedbank - Financial Markets Service Business Process Manager

Marius Vileiniškis

Mambu - Senior Data Scientist

Mindaugas Venckus

NFQ Technologies - Head of finance

Nerijus Murauskas

Murauskas - Personal finance consultant

Paulius Tarbūnas

NEO Finance - CEO

Sandra Varnaitė-Žuravliova

Center for Physical and Technological Sciences - Senior researcher

List of mentors of the Faculty of mechanical engineering and design

Alvin Aureus

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Logistic Manager

Danas Merkelis

Kongsberg NanoAvionics - Project Manager
KTU alumni

Darius Gudelis

Girteka - Business Process Manager

Dinçer Bozkurt

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Head of Supply Chain Management

Dominykas Rentelis

Teltonika Energy - Head of RnD

Edgaras Knyzas

Heston Airlines - Head of the Airworthiness Oversight Organization
KTU alumni

Ernesta Jusytė

Narbutas International - Process management partner
KTU alumni

Hashim Ali Choudhry

Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania - Production Quality Specialist

Jovita Markuckyte

Babcock & Wilcox - Mechanical design engineer

Karolis Bagdonas

Festo - Division manager

Lina Bartlingė

Continental automotive Lithuania - Packaging engineer

Lukas Mikolaitis

Robotex - ABB robot programmer

Matas Stanislovaitis

3D Projektavimas - Director

Mohaiminul Quayum

Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania - Lean Engineer

Rasa Kriaučiūnienė

Reprodukcijos spalvos - Customer service manager-technologist

List of mentors of the Faculty of social sciences, arts and humanities

Agnė Jankauskė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Brand Development Partner

Angelina Lapinskaitė

Karalienės Mortos school - Teacher of Lithuanian language

Aušra Žukauskaitė

VšĮ Old Town Children's Day Center - Director

Dainius Stasiulis

Centric - Head of software development team

Darius Gudelis

Girteka - Business Process Manager

Edvinas Lučkauskas

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team Lead (Infrastructure Engineering)

Evelina Lekešiūtė

Active Youth Association - Project Manager

Greta Erapart

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team lead

Irma Mitrė

Devbridge - Talent Acquisition Partner

Justina Kalvaitienė

Swedbank - Career consultant

Karolis Bagdonas

Festo - Division manager

Karolis Lapačinskas

Marketing Lead

Nerijus Murauskas

Murauskas - Personal finance consultant

Parth Patel

Eneba - Customer Support Specialist

Paulius Kazakevičius

Future Team Management - Director

Ramunė Danilevičiūtė

Coaching service center - Coaching specialist

Vaida Krikštaponytė

Impact Brands - Communication & Events Manager

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of technology - KTU IF Cooperation Development Coordinator and KTU Alumni Center Manager

Viltė Liaugodienė

Eglės sanatorium - Executive director

Vytautė Jurgaitytė

Gansa - Director

List of mentors of the Faculty of technology and business of Panevėžys

Agnė Jankauskė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Brand Development Partner

Audrius Lapinskas

ABB - Electrification Business Manager

Dainius Stasiulis

Centric - Head of software development team

Danas Merkelis

Kongsberg NanoAvionics - Project Manager
KTU alumni

Dinçer Bozkurt

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Head of Supply Chain Management

Donatas Čerkevičius

TEC Industry - Head of the Commercial and Business Development Department

Edgaras Knyzas

Heston Airlines - Head of the Airworthiness Oversight Organization
KTU alumni

Evelina Lekešiūtė

Active Youth Association - Project Manager

Gediminas Starta

Maina & Co - Group Chief Financial Officer

Gediminas Verdingovas

ULMAS - Director of logistics and innovation

Greta Erapart

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team lead

Justina Sabienė

Telia Lithuania - Head of Data Science and AI

Karolina Petraitienė

Reiz Tech - Key account manager

Kristina Kikalienė

Reiz Tech - Account Manager

Mantas Biknius

TEC Consulting - Sales Director

Marius Prieskenis

SBA Urban - Commercial property project manager

Mindaugas Venckus

NFQ Technologies - Head of finance

Nerijus Murauskas

Murauskas - Personal finance consultant

Paulius Kazakevičius

Future Team Management - Director

Ričardas Šmaižys

PrestaRock - Director

Rytis Krušinskas

Kaunas University of technology - Professor

Šarūnas Žitkauskas

Sensata Insights (Xirgo Global) - Sales Engineering Manager

Tauras Plungė

KIKA group - Board member

Tautvydas Šimanauskas

Hilti Group - Global Product Manager

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of technology - KTU IF Cooperation Development Coordinator and KTU Alumni Center Manager

Viltė Liaugodienė

Eglės sanatorium - Executive director

Vytautas Oleškevičius

BIOK lab - Chief Sales Officer

Vytautė Jurgaitytė

Gansa - Director

Vytenis Rinkevičius

- Logistics Manager

List of mentors of the Faculty of economics and business

Agnė Jankauskė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Brand Development Partner

Aida Zigmantavičienė

Ansell Protective Solutions Lithuania - Vice President

Alina Senkuvienė

Swedbank - Director of the consulting center

Asta Pukaitė – Kajokė

Orbio world - CBDO

Audrius Lapinskas

ABB - Electrification Business Manager

Dainius Stasiulis

Centric - Head of software development team

Daiva Gritėnaitė

TransUnion Lithuania - Head Of Communications

Danas Merkelis

Kongsberg NanoAvionics - Project Manager
KTU alumni

Darius Gudelis

Girteka - Business Process Manager

Dinçer Bozkurt

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Head of Supply Chain Management

Donatas Čerkevičius

TEC Industry - Head of the Commercial and Business Development Department

Dovilė Jakubauskienė

Fazer - Personnel Director for the Baltic States

Edgaras Juodsnukis

Šiaulių bankas - Data Scientist

Eglė Vitkelytė

AIMS International Lietuva - Head of Research
KTU alumni

Evelina Lekešiūtė

Active Youth Association - Project Manager

Gediminas Starta

Maina & Co - Group Chief Financial Officer

Gediminas Verdingovas

ULMAS - Director of logistics and innovation

Girinath Anandhan

Cencora - Account Receivables (Client financial services)

Greta Erapart

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team lead

Irma Mitrė

Devbridge - Talent Acquisition Partner

Justina Sabienė

Telia Lithuania - Head of Data Science and AI

Karolina Petraitienė

Reiz Tech - Key account manager

Karolis Lapačinskas

Marketing Lead

Karolis Tamošauskas

Swedbank - Financial Markets Service Business Process Manager

Kristina Kikalienė

Reiz Tech - Account Manager

Mantas Biknius

TEC Consulting - Sales Director

Marius Prieskenis

SBA Urban - Commercial property project manager

Mindaugas Venckus

NFQ Technologies - Head of finance

Nerijus Murauskas

Murauskas - Personal finance consultant

Paulius Kazakevičius

Future Team Management - Director

Paulius Tarbūnas

NEO Finance - CEO

Ramunė Danilevičiūtė

Coaching service center - Coaching specialist

Ričardas Šmaižys

PrestaRock - Director

Rytis Krušinskas

Kaunas University of technology - Professor

Šarūnas Žitkauskas

Sensata Insights (Xirgo Global) - Sales Engineering Manager

Tauras Plungė

KIKA group - Board member

Tautvydas Šimanauskas

Hilti Group - Global Product Manager

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of technology - KTU IF Cooperation Development Coordinator and KTU Alumni Center Manager

Viltė Liaugodienė

Eglės sanatorium - Executive director

Vytautas Oleškevičius

BIOK lab - Chief Sales Officer

Vytautė Jurgaitytė

Gansa - Director

Vytenis Rinkevičius

- Logistics Manager

List of mentors from all faculties

Agnė Jankauskė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Brand Development Partner

Agnė Zedlavičiūtė

BSS IT- Business analyst

Aida Zigmantavičienė

Ansell Protective Solutions Lithuania - Vice President

Aleksandras Kolesničenko

Ekopaslauga - Environmental engineer

Alina Senkuvienė

Swedbank - Director of the consulting center

Almantas Karpavičius

OAG - Programmer team leader
KTU alumni

Alvin Aureus

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Logistic Manager

Angelina Lapinskaitė

Karalienės Mortos school - Teacher of Lithuanian language

Arūnė Juknė

Stora Enso packaging - Head of product management
KTU alumni

Asta Pukaitė – Kajokė

Orbio world - CBDO

Audrius Lapinskas

ABB - Electrification Business Manager

Aušra Žukauskaitė

VšĮ Old Town Children's Day Center - Director

Daina Ardzevičiūtė-Kvedarienė

CERTUS Port Automation - IT Consultant

Dainius Stasiulis

Centric - Head of software development team

Daiva Gritėnaitė

TransUnion Lithuania - Head Of Communications

Daiva Jaščemskaitė

Gerovė - Technologist

Danas Merkelis

Kongsberg NanoAvionics - Project Manager
KTU alumni

Darius Ašeriškis

Kayak Software Corporation - Director of Engineering

Darius Gudelis

Girteka - Business Process Manager

Dinçer Bozkurt

Continental Automotive Lithuania - Head of Supply Chain Management

Dominykas Rentelis

Teltonika Energy - Head of RnD

Donatas Čerkevičius

TEC Industry - Head of the Commercial and Business Development Department

Dovilė Jakubauskienė

Fazer - Personnel Director for the Baltic States

Edgaras Juodsnukis

Šiaulių bankas - Data Scientist

Edgaras Knyzas

Heston Airlines - Head of the Airworthiness Oversight Organization
KTU alumni

Edvinas Lučkauskas

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team Lead (Infrastructure Engineering)

Eglė Vitkelytė

AIMS International Lietuva - Head of Research
KTU alumni

Ernesta Jusytė

Narbutas International - Process management partner
KTU alumni

Evaldas Zaskevičius

MN Technology - Product Owner

Evelina Lekešiūtė

Active Youth Association - Project Manager

Gediminas Starta

Maina & Co - Group Chief Financial Officer

Gediminas Verdingovas

ULMAS - Director of logistics and innovation

Giedrius Mickevičius

Devbridge - Lead of Engineering Unit

Girinath Anandhan

Cencora - Account Receivables (Client financial services)

Greta Erapart

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Team lead

Hashim Ali Choudhry

Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania - Production Quality Specialist

Ignas Račkauskas

Akzo Nobel Baltics - Technical Representative

Irma Mitrė

Devbridge - Talent Acquisition Partner

Jovita Markuckyte

Babcock & Wilcox - Mechanical design engineer

Julius Morkūnas

Dell Technologies - Manager 2, Software Engineering

Justina Kalvaitienė

Swedbank - Career consultant

Justina Sabienė

Telia Lithuania - Head of Data Science and AI

Karolina Brazauskaitė

Centric IT Solutions Lithuania - Senior Project Manager

Karolina Petraitienė

Reiz Tech - Key account manager

Karolis Bagdonas

Festo - Division manager

Karolis Lapačinskas

Marketing Lead

Karolis Tamošauskas

Swedbank - Financial Markets Service Business Process Manager

Konstantinas Jurgilas

Devbridge - Software Architect

Kristina Kikalienė

Reiz Tech - Account Manager

Lina Bartlingė

Continental automotive Lithuania - Packaging engineer

Lorenzo Piazzi

DesignLibrary Network Pareigos - co-founder

Lukas Gerbenis

Devbridge - Software Architect

Lukas Mikolaitis

Robotex - ABB robot programmer

Mantas Biknius

TEC Consulting - Sales Director

Marius Prieskenis

SBA Urban - Commercial property project manager

Marius Vileiniškis

Mambu - Senior Data Scientist

Martynas Adomavičius

Festo - .NET/ Java Application development

Matas Stanislovaitis

3D Projektavimas - Director

Mindaugas Vaičiūnas

Hella Lithuania - Head of Automation Technology

Mindaugas Venckus

NFQ Technologies - Head of finance

Mohaiminul Quayum

Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania - Lean Engineer

Monika Kaltenytė

Adform - Software engineer

Nerijus Murauskas

Murauskas - Personal finance consultant

Parth Patel

Eneba - Customer Support Specialist

Paulius Kazakevičius

Future Team Management - Director

Paulius Kimbartas

Nord Security - Engineering Manager

Paulius Tarbūnas

NEO Finance - CEO

Ramunė Danilevičiūtė

Coaching service center - Coaching specialist

Rasa Bielskytė Masiokė

Doresta / Santvara - Project manager / CEO

Rasa Kriaučiūnienė

Reprodukcijos spalvos - Customer service manager-technologist

Ričardas Šmaižys

PrestaRock - Director

Rokas Muleravičius

Litgrid - Head of High Voltage DC Division

Rytis Krušinskas

Kaunas University of technology - Professor

Rytis Mušauskas

INHUS Engineering - CEO

Sabapathy Manicka Vinayagam

ExxonMobil - Intermediate Front-End Developer

Sandra Varnaitė-Žuravliova

Center for Physical and Technological Sciences - Senior researcher

Šarūnas Žitkauskas

Sensata Insights (Xirgo Global) - Sales Engineering Manager

Simonas Naulickas

Toptal - Freelance Software Engineer

Tadas Kavaliauskas

Mano bankas - Sustainability Guide

Tauras Plungė

KIKA group - Board member

Tautvydas Šimanauskas

Hilti Group - Global Product Manager

Vaida Krikštaponytė

Impact Brands - Communication & Events Manager

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of technology - KTU IF Cooperation Development Coordinator and KTU Alumni Center Manager

Viltė Liaugodienė

Eglės sanatorium - Executive director

Vytautas Oleškevičius

BIOK lab - Chief Sales Officer

Vytautė Jurgaitytė

Gansa - Director

Vytenis Rinkevičius

- Logistics Manager

Career mentoring contests are held twice in a school year at September and January. Application form you can find in the academic information system.



Department of Student affairs

Studentų st. 50, Student infocentre
